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Big Idea



Maintaining Excellent Health is a Fortune and Blessing Too!

Every part of our body has important roles in different activities. It is mandatory to know how we can maintain our health in excellent working conditions.As we know about Microbiota, what environment they are more active in, and about their health issues, they have an important role to produce protein for our body cells and repairing tissues, cartilage, skin,building muscles, bones, blood, etc.When we consume extra protein, what are the consequences, we must know. It is all about education. Maybe 98% of people don’t have any interest to know, what we should eat, time, quantity, quality, resources, preparation technic, ingredients, kind of cooking oil, amount of heat required in the initial stage, in case of overheating, oil become thick and become sticky, and stick to the arteries and veins passage wall, in the long run with low physical activity, many health issues arises. Only 30 minutes of exercise might help excellent health and avoid sleep diskproblems, lower back pain, paralytic attack, diabetes, etc. Breathing exercises improve heart health. Few massages technic might help joint health.We are built-in with complete healing elements and the entire system works ata certain temperature produced by the body system itself. Due to a lack of information and awareness,we need medication in case of any serious health problems.

It is important to know, how much we need to eat with proper chewing food particles for our daily activities.There was a beautiful quote “Eat less and work more”. I am unable to remembersources from UNSDGs 2030, WEF, WHO, UNICEF, or might be from Future Food 21st Century. We can also consider Food as Medicine. During food, drink at least one glass of water at half-time, and finish when still feel hungry without wasting. After 40 minutes drink one glass of warm green tea for a better digestion system. Microbiota works better in this environment. Early dinner after sunset is the best time. Night warm green tea till morning empty stomach, is better for the digestion system,and cells are repaired. Warm green tea with lots of antioxidants changesinto alkaline and becomes a good transporter to carry all kinds of minerals with oxygen to our entire body cells, and boost immunity.

Because of demands and awareness programs, plenty of food supplement companies are growing globally. This is the only reason, longevity is increasing, and one may live 130 years. In this scenario, senior citizens might need maximum healthcare including 24/7 nursing support. Maybe no one in the family will be able to take responsibility until there are enough savings and many challenges and uncertainty will remain. By default,every one of us wants to live longer. I was supposed to join you as a speaker at Horasis Global Meeting, 28-31 March 2020, in Cascais, Portugal, for a few topics and my favorite one was how to live longer. With symptoms and self-assessment tests we can avoid major problems as “prevention is better than cure” is the universal truth.


Submitted to WHO Academy Learning Strategy process “a call fora big idea.”


WHO Academy learning strategy process: a call for ideas


You have contributed to shaping the future of learning and training for public health.



We have a choice in how we think about any situation we face. Even if weren’t born an optimist, we can still learn to think like one. “Radical optimism” is the notion that there’s an upside to everything. Even a global pandemic and worldwide health crisis.” Dr. Natalie Dattilo Clinical Psychologist

We can’t manage the situation – We can manage theway we react to the situation.

Below are 7 Strategies to stay calm in the midst of chaos: 

Strategy 1 – be clear about our purpose: History tells us that during times of great stress, our values and priorities become very clear. We adapt. We calibrate. We carry on.

Work outwhatour purpose is, what we want to achieve, where we want to be, and what we want to be remembered for (our vision).

Strategy 2 – work out our goals and start to plan: Plan – based on different scenarios –

worst case, likely case, and best case.

The best way to stay calm in the midst of chaos – do things is to plan

  • Short term 

4, 8,12, 24 hours – make lists –full-hour calendar with to-do and tick them off

  • Medium term 

Built 1-year plan based on different scenarios

Play out worst cases,and scenarios develop practical plans to manage uncertainty, discussing strategies for staying calm in the midst of chaos.

  • Long term

What are our Country and life going to look like in 5-10-15-20 years?

Strategy 3 – learn Radical Optimism can be – it is a powerful tool: Radical optimism allowsus to reframe a situation. It’s a thinking strategy that empowers us and helps us build confidence.

It can breed a sense of personal strength and is the foundation of resilience. And like anything, with practice, we can get better at it.

Our current circumstances provide the perfect opportunity for us to step up. It is believing that during times of great challenge, our best selves step up.

Strategy 4 – It’s OK to fear – but let fear overwhelm us: My brother Brett Kaye sings a song with great insight – the world is a narrow bridge – and we can contribute greatly to it  – a little fear is a good thing – it motivates us – it drives us …. however overwhelming fear can cripple us and make us freeze into inaction.

In the midst of a challenge – we perform best with a little fear.

Strategy 5 – Step up to the challenge: 

  • Amidthe uncertainty, we learn how to trust. In the midst of rationing resources, we learn how to go without.
  • In the midst of disappointment, we get better at tolerating unpleasant emotions.
  • In the midst of illness, we develop a deeper appreciation for our health and the health of our loved ones.

Strategy 6 – have positive confirmations: 

We, Humans, are extraordinarily resilient. During this challenging time

  • We will come together.
  • We will overcome.
  • We will learn.
  • We will grow.
  • We will make tough decisions and
  • We will be stronger as a result.

How we think affects how we feel and what we do. Remind ourselves that we are capable.

Don’t lose sight of our purpose and what we are grateful for.

Brett sings an amazing song about being grateful.

Strategy 7 – maintain the 5 Cs – Connection, Collaboration, Contribution – doing it continually – to build our Community: 

  • Maintain our distance but don’t disconnect and isolate
  • Maintain our distance but don’t stop collaborating
  • Maintain our distance but don’t stop contributing
  • Maintain our distance but don’t stop having compassion
  • Maintain our distance but stay involved with our community

In conclusion: 

How well we handle this depends almost entirely on how we think about it and react to it …… that is something over which we have control.

Insights from Clive Smallman, Brett Kaye and

Dr. Natalie Dattilo, Clinical Psychologist

Respond as Rajabtech on this trending post in #consultant: In my view, the traditional model of consulting is broken: both clients and consultants are poorly served by it unless you are looking for very specific expertise around a very specific problem. If you are a consultant – wake up! Go and become a portfolio executive… www.portfolioexecutive.biz #2ndhalfcareer #portfolioexecutive #business #success #consultant #client

Are you a business owner? A marketing manager? A growth strategist? A sales head? If you are any of these, you have the responsibility of Growth for your organization.

Growth may seem a simple and attractive word to put in the headline, but achieving numbers and results take real patience and perseverance. It all starts with building a mindset that drives the entire process of your organization.

Let me ask you a few questions before we proceed.

  • Are you achieving your monthly sales goals?
  • Are you able to set a month-on-month % growth in your revenue?
  • Do you know which of your most profitable channel?
  • What type of people is buying your products more?
  • From where are you getting your repeat customers?
  • Which blog post or article on your website is getting most of your leads?
  • Which channel is contributing more to your top funnel?
  • What was the entire journey of the customers who bought from you this month or last month or last year?
  • Are your sales and marketing teams aligned and work without possible friction?
  • You as a manager have clarity on jobs, responsibilities, and performances of each of your team?

I can keep asking these questions you may have some answers, or you might have no answers at all. But what if I will tell you should have all these answers if you are talking about Growth as your KPI? And how about you can have all the answers with one system? Yes, HubSpot has all these capabilities to bring everything under one dashboard.

  • Single Dashboard to have your Marketing, Sales & Services team
  • One system where you have all your Marketing activities – Landing pages, blogs, emailers
  • Only system where you have your Sales team and Service working towards one goal
  • One dashboard that can track and measure all your sales and marketing activities of the team and individuals?

Isn’t it what you need? Bringing traffic to your website, converting them into leads, nurturing your relationship with these leads, converting them into customers, providing them with the best in class service, and delighting them to become your promoters.

Small Elite:A powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, skill, and knowledge capital in a society.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”
Futurist, Alvin Toffler

Your action for today is to learn something new — a new word, a new system, or a new tool in your computer program.

Project for Empowering Youths and Young People

Empowering youths and young people is a critical task in today’s world, and there are many different approaches to achieving this goal. Here is a project idea that could be used to empower young people:

Title: Youth Empowerment through Digital Skills Training:

Description: This project aims to empower youths and young people by providing them with the necessary digital skills and knowledge to thrive in the modern world. The project will involve providing training and education on a range of digital skills, including computer programming, graphic design, digital marketing, and social media management.

The project will be carried out in partnership with local schools and youth organizations, with the aim of reaching as many young people as possible. The training will be delivered through a combination of online resources, in-person workshops, and mentoring sessions, ensuring that participants receive personalized support and guidance throughout their learning journey.

To measure the success of the project, we will track the progress of participants over time, looking at factors such as their confidence levels, employment prospects, and academic achievements. We will also gather feedback from participants to ensure that the training is meeting their needs and helping them to achieve their goals. 

Expected outcomes:

Increased confidence and self-esteem among participants

Improved digital skills and knowledge

Increased employment prospects for participants

Enhanced academic achievements for participants

Increased engagement in community activities and social causes 

Budget: The budget for this project will depend on the scale of the initiative and the number of participants. 

However, some potential costs to consider include:

Development of digital resources and training materials

Hiring trainers and mentors

Renting workshop space and equipment

Marketing and advertising the program

Monitoring and evaluation of the project 


Empowering youths and young people through digital skills training is an excellent way to help them succeed in today’s world. By providing them with the skills and knowledge they need, we can help them build a brighter future for themselves and their communities. 

Continuous Improvement:

Continuous improvement is the process of continually reviewing and refining processes, procedures, and practices to achieve better results. Here are some project ideas that can help organizations achieve continuous improvement:

Quality management system implementation: Implementing a quality management system (QMS) can help organizations achieve continuous improvement by setting up a framework for identifying areas for improvement, tracking progress, and implementing changes. A QMS can also help organizations ensure that they are meeting customer needs and complying with regulatory requirements.

Employee training and development: Providing regular training and development opportunities for employees can help organizations improve their skills and knowledge, leading to better performance and increased efficiency. Additionally, providing opportunities for employees to provide feedback on processes and procedures can help identify areas for improvement.

Lean Six Sigma projects: Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that focuses on eliminating waste and improving process efficiency. Organizations can identify areas for improvement using tools such as value stream mapping and then implement changes to streamline processes and eliminate non-value-added activities.

Kaizen events: Kaizen events involve bringing together a team of employees to work on a specific problem or process improvement. The team works together to identify areas for improvement and then implements changes to achieve better results.

Customer feedback analysis: Analyzing customer feedback can help organizations identify areas for improvement in their products and services. By regularly reviewing feedback, organizations can identify trends and implement changes to address customer needs and preferences.

Technology upgrades: Upgrading technology can help organizations achieve continuous improvement by increasing efficiency and streamlining processes. For example, implementing new software or hardware can automate processes, reduce errors, and improve data management.

Overall, continuous improvement is essential for organizations to stay competitive and achieve their goals. By implementing these project ideas, organizations can establish a culture of continuous improvement and achieve better results over time.

IT Manager and Talent Acquisition Manager

  1. Inbound Marketing: Building a strong employer brand. Smart recruitment website with referrals and leverage candidate-focused content to create an employer brand narrative.
  1. Outbound Marketing: Social channels, automated emails for job posts actively.
  1. Filtering and Selection: Parameters (Skillset and domain expertise, Personality, and work ethic, Carrier goal and alignment, culturefit with the company’s values and education).
  1. Conversion and Onboarding: Creating an attractive Employer Brand sync with the applicant’s professional targets to recruit ratio remains high.
  • Multi-channel Learning.
  • Traditional Learning Management (TLM) to (LXP) Learning Experience Platform is the shift towards learning curation and engaging content for solution and sustainability as employees learn for their needs.
  • Mapping the ROI: Tangible, measurable, and Transparent.
  • A range of choice Right eLearning Solution.


Example: Great Employee Onboarding Strategies for 2023.

  1. Make Learning and Development L&D.
  2. Find Innovative ways to inspire collaboration.
  3. Hiring manager for Greater ownership.
  4. Integrate the touch points of the employee journey.
  5. Initiate the onboarding experience before day one.
  6. Analyze the unique needs of varying recruit demographics.
  7. Explore onboarding models.