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Market Research

Introduction: Striving for success to achieveneeds lots of smart hard work. A simple idea grows into a corporate enterprise and later adding to a success story and foundation remainsthe same as market research is imperative.

Need: MR provides a foundation for taking the toughest decision whether the product and service are wrath or not and most important to know competitors, it is Imperative for Optimal Success in achieving goals and expectations.

  • 1. Identify pain points:Identifying key factors into potential areas seen unseen or unnoticed may damper success.
  • 2. Assess the cost of challenges:How MR need potentially lucrative and its cost to the business.
  • 3. Define market research goals:Actionable steps towards achieving success need a clearly defined set of goals and end objectives to accomplish.
  • 4. Determine available resources:Budget, relevant information, existing resources and time is important.
  • 5. Maintain objectivity:Need-basedsolutions and maintaining a neutral strategy, detached view of the hypothesis, and objective goals will ensure the most accurate result.
  • 6. Conduct competitive analysis:By analyzing competitors, recent moves, and overall position in the market can identify opportunities worth capitalizing on and include those MR goals & efforts.
  • 7. Segment Data sources:Need to segment research targets based on objectives and adjust the approach accordingly. To promote accuracy across each segment, try creating profiles for each research target to determine the most appropriate approach.
  • 8. Implement results:All research analyses, conclusions, etc. are mandatory for implementing the results and integratingthem into a business model.

Market Research Uniqueness:By nature, innovation produces new things, new technology, new process, and new products as a “game-changer” unlike anything seen before. It’s unique. The truth is that commonalities will remain in characteristics of products, markets, and customers that can be applied to different situations. How big is the potential and how quickly customers adopt technologies is also an important factor.

Landing the right market report:A quality report will have market size and outlook, a competitor overview, new product trends, and customer insights.

Few important things to be known asPRE and POSTreports:

PRE reports:

  • 1. Should we launch this product?
  • 2. How do we expand our business?
  • 3. Is the market for our products growing?
  • 4. Are we targeting the right audience?
  • 5. How well do we know our customers?


POST reports:

  • 6.Who are our regular customers?
  • 7. How frequently do customers visit us?
  • 8. What kind of products and services are used by customers?
  • 9. Is the customer using the loyalty program?
  • 10. Is there any suggestions or any demands from the customer?


KPI:  key performance indicator

“By setting KPIs the company enables the team to make smart business decisions about the direction of all current projects”


The Anatomy of astructured KPI includes:

  • A Measure: Every KPI must have a measure
  • A Target: Every KPI needs to have a target that matches the measure and time period of the goal with a numeric value.
  • A Data Source: Every KPI needs to have a clearly defined data source being measured and tracked.
  • Reporting Frequency: Different KPIs may have different reporting needs, but the best rule to follow is to report on them at least monthly.


Few Examples of KPIs:

Financial KPIs:

  • Growth in Revenue
  • Net Profit Margin
  • Gross Profit Margin
  • Operational Cash Flow
  • Current Accounts Receivables
  • Inventory Turnover

Customer KPIs:

  • Number of Customer Retained
  • Percentage of Market Share
  • Net Promotor Score
  • Average Ticket/Support Resolution Time

Operational KPIs:

  • Order fulfillment Time
  • Time to Market
  • Employee Satisfaction Rating
  • Employee Churn Rate

Marketing KPIs:

  • Monthly Website Traffic
  • Number of Qualified Leads
  • Conversion Rate for Call-To-Action Content
  • Keywords in Top 10 Search Engine Results
  • Blog Articles Published monthly
  • E-Book Published Monthly


Mental Health Manual for Modern Workforce:

Technology has made it difficult to switch off from work 61% and stress levels increased over the past 5 years between work life and home life 44%. Lack of awareness and proper remedial consequences our minds are overloaded, the reason the suicide rate increased by 25% between 1999 and 2016 in the USA. Stress and anxiety impact jobs performance 56% and anxiety affects their relationship with coworkers 51%, and absenteeism can be attributed to mental conditions 62%, and productivity loss 81%.

  • Well manner conversation is important: Love you, thanks for asking, please if you don’t mind, need any support or help, etc.
  • Accommodation:
  • Commit to confidentiality and privacy
  • Physical and mental exercise
  • Fund wellness initiatives
  • Personalized growth plan

As we know, we can’t talk about mental health, because 80% feel shame and never disclose and ask for help, as others may feel that we are suffering with a serious issue. Depression alone costs the U.S. economy $210 billion a year, half of which is shouldered by employers in the form of missed work and lost productivity.Buildingthe right kind of corporate behavior is equally important. “Employee’s value should be a more holistic approach to an employer benefit”.

The onsitecounseling department and supporting workforce are always advice able.


Objective and Scope for Modern Workforce Mental Health:

Objective:The objective of modern workforce mental health is to promote the psychological well-being of employees, to prevent and manage mental health problems, and to create a supportive and healthy work environment. This includes addressing the various factors that can impact an employee’s mental health, such as work-related stress, social isolation, burnout, and work-life balance.

Scope:The scope of modern workforce mental health encompasses a broad range of initiatives and strategies aimed at promoting and maintaining the mental health and well-being of employees in the workplace.

This includesAwareness and education programs: These programs are designed to increase awareness of mental health issues, reduce stigma, and promote positive mental health practices and behaviors.

Prevention and early intervention: These initiatives are aimed at preventing the onset of mental health problems and identifying and addressing early signs of mental health concerns before they become more serious.


Support services: These services may include access to mental health professionals, employee assistance programs, and other resources to help employees manage their mental health and well-being.

Organizational policies and practices: These include policies and practices that promote a healthy work environment, such as flexible work arrangements, workload management, and opportunities for professional development.

Monitoring and evaluation: This involves monitoring the mental health and well-being of employees over time and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions and strategies implemented to support their mental health.

Overall, the objective of modern workforce mental health is to create a workplace culture that prioritizes the mental health and well-being of employees, supports their ongoing mental health needs, and ensures that they have the resources and tools they need to thrive both professionally and personally.


Approach to Modern Workforce Mental Health:

The approach to modern workforce mental health should be a comprehensive and integrated one that involves multiple stakeholders and takes into account the diverse needs of employees. Here are some key approaches that can be considered:

Collaborative approach: A collaborative approach involves the active involvement of various stakeholders, including employees, managers, human resources, and mental health professionals. This approach ensures that all stakeholders are aware of their roles and responsibilities in promoting mental health in the workplace.

Prevention-focused approach: Prevention-focused approach aims to prevent mental health problems from occurring in the first place. This can be achieved through various initiatives such as promoting work-life balance, reducing workload, and providing training on stress management and resilience.

Early intervention approach: Early intervention approach aims to identify and address mental health problems as early as possible. This can be achieved through various initiatives such as regular check-ins with employees, providing mental health support, and promoting a culture that encourages employees to seek help when needed.

Tailored approach: A tailored approach takes into account the unique needs of different groups of employees. For example, employees in high-stress jobs may require different types of mental health support compared to employees in less stressful jobs.

Data-driven approach: A data-driven approach involves collecting and analyzing data on employee mental health to identify trends and patterns. This can help organizations to target their resources more effectively and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions over time.

Multi-level approach: A multi-level approach involves implementing initiatives at different levels, including the individual, team, and organizational levels. This approach recognizes that mental health is influenced by multiple factors, and therefore, requires a multi-faceted approach to address it effectively.

Overall, the approach to modern workforce mental health should be proactive, collaborative, and data-driven, taking into account the diverse needs of employees and involving multiple stakeholders at different levels.


Impact on Modern Workforce Mental Health:

The impact of modern workforce mental health initiatives can be significant and far-reaching. Here are some potential impacts of prioritizing mental health in the workplace:

Improved employee well-being: Employees who receive support for their mental health needs are likely to experience improved well-being, reduced stress levels, and increased job satisfaction.

Increased productivity: Employees who are mentally healthy are more likely to be productive and engaged in their work, leading to increased productivity and better business outcomes.

Reduced absenteeism and presentism: Mental health problems are a leading cause of absenteeism and presentism, which can have a significant impact on productivity and overall business performance. By promoting mental health in the workplace, organizations can reduce absenteeism and presentism and improve overall employee attendance.

Improved employee retention: By creating a supportive work environment that prioritizes mental health, organizations can improve employee retention rates, reduce turnover costs, and maintain a skilled and experienced workforce.

Reduced healthcare costs: Mental health problems can lead to increased healthcare costs for both employees and organizations. By promoting mental health in the workplace, organizations can reduce healthcare costs associated with mental health problems and improve overall health outcomes for their employees.

Enhanced corporate reputation: Organizations that prioritize mental health in the workplace are likely to be seen as responsible and caring employers, which can enhance their corporate reputation and brand image.

In summary, prioritizing modern workforce mental health can have a positive impact on both employees and organizations, leading to improved well-being, productivity, employee retention, and corporate reputation.



  1. Attracting Attention: Creative marketing campaigns can catch people’s attention and make our brand stand out from the competition. When we do something unique, unexpected, or creative, people are more likely to remember our brand and talk about it with their friends and family.

2Connection Creating Emotional: Marketing campaigns that evoke emotions like joy, humor, or nostalgia can create an emotional connection with consumers. When people feel a connection with a brand, they are more likely to become loyal customers and make repeat

  1. Differentiating ourselves: Creative marketing can help differentiate our brand from competitors. When we create a unique brand personality and communicate it through our marketing campaigns, and purchases.
  2. Communicating Value: Creative marketing can communicate the value of our products or services in a way that resonates with consumers. By highlighting the benefits and features of our offerings, we can demonstrate why they are worth the investment.
  3. We make it easier for consumers to recognize and remember our brand.
  4. 6. Increasing Engagement: Creative marketing can increase engagement with our brand by encouraging people to interact with our content. This can be through social media, contests, or other interactive experiences that create a memorable brand experience.

Creative marketing can help us increase our sales by making our brand more memorable, creating emotional connections with consumers, communicating value, differentiating ourselves from competitors, and increasing engagement.



Multitasking can be a tempting approach to work, but it is not an effective method for most people. While it may seem like multitasking allows us to get more done in less time, research has shown that it can lead to decreased productivity, increased stress levels, and lower-quality work.

When we switch between tasks, our brain needs to readjust to the new task, which takes time and mental energy. This can cause a decrease in efficiency, as well as an increase in errors and incomplete tasks. Additionally, constantly switching tasks can lead to increased stress levels, as it can be difficult to maintain focus and keep up with multiple tasks at once.

Some tasks are well-suited to multitasking, such as listening to music while doing household chores or exercising while watching TV. However, when it comes to complex cognitive tasks, such as writing a report or working on a project, it’s generally more effective to focus on one task at a time.

In summary, while multitasking may seem like an efficient way to work, it is often not an effective method. It can lead to decreased productivity, increased stress levels, and lower quality work. It’s usually better to focus on one task at a time to maximize our productivity and effectiveness.



Motivating employees is an important part of being an effective manager or leader. Here are some strategies that can help us motivate our employees:

  1. Set clear goals: Employees need to know the company’s goals and how they fit into the bigger picture. Leaders should communicate a clear vision of what the company aims to achieve, and how each employee’s work contributes to that vision. Clear goals can help employees stay focused and motivated.
  2. Provide feedback: Regular feedback, both positive and constructive, can help employees understand how they are doing and what they can improve on. It can also help them feel valued and appreciated for their work.
  3. Offer recognition and rewards: Recognizing and rewarding good work can be a powerful motivator for employees. This can include verbal recognition, bonuses, promotions, or other forms of recognition that are meaningful to our employees.
  4. 4. Foster a positive work environment: A positive work environment can help employees feel motivated and engaged. This can include things like open communication, opportunities for growth and development, and a culture that values teamwork and collaboration.
  5. Empower our employees: Giving employees the autonomy to make decisions and take ownership of their work can help them feel motivated and engaged. This can include giving them opportunities to work on projects they are interested in or giving them the authority to make decisions that affect their work.
  6. Lead by example: As a manager or leader, our behavior sets the tone for our team. If we are enthusiastic, committed, and motivated, our employees are more likely to be as well.

By implementing these strategies, we can help motivate our employees and create a positive and productive work environment.



Defining the target audience is an important step in any marketing or communication strategy. The target audience refers to the group of people who are most likely to be interested in or benefit from a product or service. Here are some steps to help define the target audience:

  1. 1. Identify the product or service: Start by identifying the product or service we are trying to promote. What does it offer? What problem does it solve?
  2. Analyze the benefits: Next, consider the benefits of the product or service. Who is most likely to benefit from these features? What are their needs and desires?
  3. Look at demographics: Demographics refer to the characteristics of the audience, such as age, gender, income, education, and location. Look at the demographics of the people who would most benefit from the product or service.
  4. Consider psychographics: Psychographics refers to the psychological characteristics of the audience, such as values, interests, and attitudes. What is the psychographics of the people who are most likely to use the product or service?
  5. Evaluate behavior: Finally, look at the behavior of the audience. How do they typically behave when it comes to similar products or services? Are they early adopters or do they need more convincing?

By taking these steps to define the target audience, we can create a more effective marketing strategy that speaks directly to the needs and desires of the people who are most likely to be interested in our product or service.



Export financing of investment projects involves providing financial support to exporters to enable them to carry out international trade transactions. Export financing can be provided by banks, financial institutions, or government agencies. Here are some mechanisms of export financing of investment projects:

  1. Export Credit Agencies (ECAs): ECAs are government agencies that provide financing to exporters through guarantees, insurance, or direct lending. They help mitigate the risks associated with international trade transactions, such as political and commercial risks.
  2. 2. Export-Import Banks: Export-Import Banks are government-owned banks that provide financing to support exports. They provide loans, guarantees, and insurance to help exporters finance their transactions.
  3. Commercial Banks: Commercial banks also provide financing to exporters through a variety of products such as letters of credit, trade finance, and export credit insurance.
  4. Supplier Credits: Supplier credits are a form of export financing where the supplier extends credit to the buyer to pay for the goods or services provided. The supplier may offer favorable payment terms, such as deferred payments or installment payments.
  5. 5. Project Financing: Project financing is a type of financing where lenders provide funding for specific investment projects. In export financing, lenders may finance specific investment projects that involve exports of goods or services.

Export financing of investment projects helps exporters mitigate the risks associated with international trade transactions and provides them with the necessary financing to expand their business in international markets. It is an important mechanism to support international trade and economic development.


The impact of e-commerce on traditional retailing: A study of the UK fashion industry:


  1. Introduction:
  • Background and rationale for the study: This section should provide a brief overview of the topic and why it is important. It should also explain why we chose this particular topic and what we hope to achieve with our research.
  • Research questions and objectives: This section should outline the specific research questions we will be addressing in our dissertation. It should also explain what we hope to achieve with our research.
  • Scope and limitations of the study: This section should explain the scope of our research and any limitations that may affect our findings.
  • Significance and contribution of the study: This section should explain why our research is important and how it contributes to the field.


  1. Literature Review: General guidelines for each section of a literature review:
  • Overview of the UK fashion industry: This section should provide a brief overview of the UK fashion industry. It should include information about the size of the industry, key players, and trends.
  • Evolution of e-commerce and its impact on traditional retailing: This section should provide an overview of how e-commerce has evolved and how it has impacted traditional retailing. It should also include information about the benefits and drawbacks of e-commerce.
  • Theoretical frameworks for understanding e-commerce adoption and impact: This section should provide an overview of the theoretical frameworks that have been used to understand e-commerce adoption and impact. It should also explain how these frameworks have been applied in previous research.
  • Empirical studies on the impact of e-commerce on traditional retailing in the UK and globally: This section should provide an overview of empirical studies that have been conducted on the impact of e-commerce on traditional retailing in the UK and globally. It should include information about the research methods that were used, key findings, and limitations.
  • Gaps in the literature and research questions: This section should identify gaps in the literature and outline research questions that we will be addressing in our dissertation.


  1. Methodology: General guidelines for each section of a methodology:
  • Research design and approach: This section should explain the research design and approach that we will be using in our dissertation. It should also explain why we chose this particular design and approach.
  • Data collection methods: This section should explain the data collection methods that we will be using in our dissertation. It should also explain why we chose these particular methods.
  • Sampling strategy and sample size: This section should explain the sampling strategy that we will be using in our dissertation. It should also explain how we determined the sample size.
  • Data analysis techniques: This section should explain the data analysis techniques that we will be using in our dissertation. It should also explain why we chose these particular techniques.
  • Limitations and ethical considerations: This section should identify any limitations of our research and any ethical considerations that we will need to take into account.


  1. Results: General guidelines for each section of the results:
  • Overview of the UK fashion industry and its online presence: This section should provide an overview of the UK fashion industry and its online presence. It should include information about the size of the industry, key players, and trends.
  • Comparison of the performance of traditional retailers and e-commerce players in the UK fashion market: This section should compare the performance of traditional retailers and e-commerce players in the UK fashion market. It should include information about sales figures, market share, and other relevant metrics.
  • Factors influencing e-commerce adoption and success in the UK fashion industry: This section should identify factors that influence e-commerce adoption and success in the UK fashion industry. It should include information about consumer behavior, technological factors, and other relevant factors.
  • Consumer attitudes and behavior towards online and offline fashion shopping: This section should provide an overview of consumer attitudes and behavior towards online and offline fashion shopping. It should include information about consumer preferences, motivations, and other relevant factors.
  • Case studies of selected traditional retailers and e-commerce players: This section should provide case studies of selected traditional retailers and e-commerce players. It should include information about their business models, strategies, and other relevant factors.


  1. Discussion: General guidelines for each section of a discussion:
  • Interpretation of the results of the research questions and objectives: This section should interpret the results of our research about our research questions and objectives. It should also explain how our findings relate to previous research.
  • Implications for traditional retailers and e-commerce players in the UK fashion industry: This section should identify the implications of our research for traditional retailers and e-commerce players in the UK fashion industry. It should also explain how our findings can be applied in practice.
  • Contributions to theory and practice: This section should identify the contributions of our research to theory and practice. It should also explain how our findings can be used to advance knowledge in the field.


  1. Limitations and future research directions:
  • Limitations:Limitations and future research directions are usually included in the conclusion section of a research paper. They are important to discuss because they can help identify areas where the research may have been limited or where future research could be conducted. In the context of the UK fashion industry, limitations could include factors such as sample size, data collection methods, or other factors that may have impacted the results. Future research directions could include exploring new areas of research or using different methods to collect data.
  • Future research directions: This section should identify directions for future research. It should also explain how our findings can be used to guide future research.


  1. Conclusion:

The UK fashion industry is worth £26 billion and 800,000 jobs to the economy, making it the UK’s largest creative industry. Textile and fashion exports alone are estimated to be worth over £6.5 billion. The majority of British fashion businesses export to other countries. The fashion and textile industry in England, Wales, and Scotland employs 500,000 people.

According to research findings are facts and phrases, observations, and experimental data resulting from research. They are the key outcome of the investigation. The principal outcomes of a research project are what the project suggested, revealed, or indicated.

In a research paper, the findings section helps us in demonstrating the significance of the problem on which we are performing research. Having summed up our key arguments or findings, the conclusion ends by considering the broader implications of our research.

Concluding remarks and recommendations: Concluding remarks and recommendations are the final sections of a research paper. The concluding remarks summarize the main points of the paper and restate the thesis statement. Recommendations urge specific actions to be taken about policy, practice, theory, or subsequent research. They are specific suggestions that we make about further research on the topic.

The key takeaway is a summary of the most important points of a research paper. It is a brief statement that captures the essence of the research paper and its main findings. It is usually found at the end of the paper and is meant to help readers understand what the paper is about and what they can learn from it.

Additional data and analysis such as survey questionnaires and interview transcripts can be included in the appendices section of a research paper. The appendices section is where we include any additional information that is relevant to our study but not essential to understanding the main points of our paper. It is usually placed after the reference list or bibliography.