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The Jewish Concept of “TIKKUN OLAM” means “REPAIRING THE WORLD.”

For individuals it is a code of living-by the responsibility of each and every one of us to mend the broken world we live in and try to make it a better place, to work to improve the welfare of others rather than just our own.

Our Vision

As a GDP consultant, we visualize being a qualitative, cost effective, goal oriented, the corporate organization to provide products, services and solutions of the highest quality and deliver more value to our clients beyond their respect and loyalty. We inspire our partners to develop innovative products and services, industry to support new products, and drives quality industry standards, so that we can collectively deliver incredible solutions for GDP exponential growth with greater benefits instantaneously for the country.

Our Mission

As a GDP consultant, we are inspired by The Noble Prize Summit “OUR PLANET OUR FUTURE” for humanity. Collectively we can make our planet better, sustainable development, financial target achievements and stability through innovative idea. Our action plan is ready for implementation for financial exponential growth, in Nominal Based GDP and PPP based GDP. As we know USD. 900 trillion funds are waiting for safe investments with excellent returns.

About Us

As a GDP consultant, we are determined to ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.

Policy responses and management responsibilities should be integrated as far as possible with existing policies and structures. There will, of course, need to be some kind of oversight of the whole agenda – ideally from the Prime Minister’s Office or its equivalent.

Every country can start from a different point, and doubtless heading for a different destination. Ensure to implement the agenda and needs to be consultative and transparent. Countries will find that some dimensions of a specific GDP growth target are more relevant to them than others; some demand more work, others less; and they may require very different policies and action. The national interpretation and target-setting process needs to operate at the level of issues from grassroots level, not global targets.


GDP = Private Consumption + Gross Private Investment + Government Investment + Government Spending + (Exports – Imports)


GDP = C+I+G+(X-M)

Exponential Growth of GDP

So far, we have been dealing with algebraic functions. Algebraic functions are functions which can be expressed using arithmetic operations and whose values are either rational or a root of a rational number. Now, we will be dealing with transcendental functions. Transcendental functions return values which may not be expressible as rational numbers or roots of rational numbers. Algebraic equations can be solved most of the time by hand. Transcendental functions can often be solved by hand with a calculator necessary if you want a decimal approximation. However when transcendental and algebraic functions are mixed in an equation, graphical or numerical techniques are sometimes the only way to find the solution. The simplest exponential function is: f(x) = ax, a>0, a≠1 The reasons for the restrictions are simple. If a≤0, then when you raise it to a rational power, you may not get a real number. Example: If a=-2, then (-2)0.5 = sqrt(-2) which isn’t real. If a=1, then no matter what x is, the value of f(x) is 1. That is a pretty boring function, and it is certainly not one-to-one. Recall that one-to-one functions had several properties that make them desirable. They have inverses that are also functions. They can be applied to both sides of an equation.

United Nation Sustainable Development GOALs 2030

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Global Economy

“Humble request to all politicians and leaders in general, avoid emotional, sentimental, and putting too much pressure on SMEs and Corporates owners. Their intentions are only to make money. We can encourage, acknowledge, and appreciate their contribution to ward charities. Otherwise, how pollination is done naturally, they will migrate to a safe and secure business environment.”

Executive Summary

Your Excellency,                                                                         

Trust and hope this communication receives you in the best of spirits and good health.

We are glad to mention that our roadmap is ready for sustainable growth of GDP.

We are anxiously waiting for the opportunity to share our innovative ideas to implement in major sectors in five months and thereafter 24/7 support will continue from our back office as long required by any country. As we know that every country has experts in every segment, and needs cooperation for further sustainable development. We have a well-organized team with vast experience in different fields with Artificial Intelligent based programs.

Hyper automation Ambassador worked with various Governments from Australia.

Digital Transformation Ambassador working with The United Nations from India.

Education Ambassador for the creative and smart education system from Greece.

Training Ambassador for Project Economy from the USA, etc.

Our team is committed to following The UNSDGs 2030 to ensure sustainable growth and make sure “no one is left behind.” Most of the country didn’t plan to fail, they just fail to plan, as established and luxurious living inhabitants may not agree and accept any challenging task. A passionate and well-trained team with creative ideas and new approaches will transform the country into a better living for the welfare of others rather than just their own. If you feel the creativity in our plan, please give us a chance and our team will be available to implement the system for various developments.

We are just a phone call away for any clarification. Almighty God bless us all. Amen.

Best Regards 

Please note: ”First-cum-first serve basis.”

Message to the Prime decision-maker of the country

Your Excellency,

The restrictions are fewer and the possibilities are more. The diversity in our knowledge increased dramatically and weare comfortable speaking to the Country Head,Who is the Key Decision-maker for the Financial Exponential Growth of the country.

While working for the Government and private sector, often spoke to people with vast experience and incredible knowledge, but always we have to understand, where they are coming from – their customs, their background, and circumstances. It is important to put the information into the right context with clear perception, and this remains a key feature of our job today.

Once tolerance is embedded in the state of mind in communities the opportunities are endless. Many others will join in and the whole region will benefit. The more this happens the less significant political/religious barriers will be.

Flourishing and enjoying each other’s benefits requires someone with the ability to communicate across cultures, traditions, politics, economy, and barriers, as they are interlinked. This will ensure security, stability, and hope for younger generations by creating new jobs, economies and demographic developments will balance.

What we try to do is to ensure that future generations can enjoy stability and prosperity. With our experience, we contribute and help connect those who share our vision. Generally, we are fascinated by anything new to us. We love to learn new innovative ideas and implement them in real life for the benefit and sustainable development growth. Engineering, finance, insurance, training, leadership, sports, counseling, mentoring, and many more creative idea, we never thought about exposure to these topics and deal with them. Protocols and procedures are barriers to reaching the right decision-maker.

No project gets done without the stars aligning. It is a great revelation to realize that the set of tools we have is far more significant and its level of efficiency is unique.

The future is social impact investments. Look at the demographic changes as well as the economic conditions and understand the challenges in our world are getting bigger every day, of course, there is room for improvement and prosperity.

Those who succeeded in the past need to understand that changing their investment models is necessary to remain successful in the future. We have to create the economic and social groundwork for developing a county to ensure security, stability, and sustainable development for entire generations.

Consultant Fees For Sustainable Development (Teamwork)

For the first two introducing countries, each need to pay USD 1,000,000 per month (Home Pay) + Perks, and for GDP Growth Above 21%, USD 3,000,000 per month (Home Pay) + Perks.

From the third introducing country, Consultant Fees will be USD 5,000,000 per month (Home Pay) + Perks, and for GDP Growth Above 21%, USD 8,000,000 per month (Home Pay) + Perks.

Note: Mentioned fees can’t be calculated compared to billions.
Neither peanut nor Master seeds even.

Education is the Economic Engine






Vice President of UAE & Ruler of Dubai

President of Costa Rica
H.H. Juma Bin Maktoum CEO Club Chairman
President of Fiji
President – Republic of Suriname
Ruler of Ras Al Khaima
First Lady & President of Panama
Prime Minister of Mali
President of Botswana
Nobel Prize Summit

Our Global Partners

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